Saturday, February 09, 2008

Mohammed Saddiq

One of my favorite Punjabi folk artist has been Mohammed Saddiq. Why? Well because of his versatility, his passion for music and the "dard" he puts in his sad songs. I've drank many a pegs while listening to him. And he's the only punjabi artist to have featured with Beenie Man and not even know it. LOL

I have uploaded 2 of his videos on my youtube account. One of them is a live performance from Professor Mohan Singh's Mela in 1992. The same mela where I posted the earlier video of the unknown singer performing Mirza.

Just watch this particular performance and be wowed. A lot of singers can learn from his stage presence, the song he is singing is a sad song, but his delivery ignites the audience. With little help from musicians his voice carries this entire performance. Just goes to show you, you don't need "Da Dhol" at every punjabi performance....

So, pour a peg of whiskey and drown in your sorrows with Mr. Saddiq..

Classic "Naiyo Bhulna Vichora"


Musiqal Light said...

I am a *huge* MS fan. One of my favorite tracks of his is "Dhabe de phulke vargi"

Check it out. It also is where Babbu Mann jacked his melody for "Chan Chanani"

Samosa King said...

Thanks ML i'll be sure to check it out.