Well there are tons of bhangra teams out there. Every college, university, high school from Jallander to Alaska seems to have one. Especially now more than ever. I am rarely impressed with many of these bhangra teams in the Western hemisphere, mainly because they dance to hiphop infused bhangra while incoporating hiphop moves. Don't get me wrong, some can pull it off, others it just looks sad. And I like hiphop as well. The bhangra teams I prefer are usually more "Desi". The ones you probably write off as a "fobby night out". But once, just once, accompany your parents when they go out for these dinner-dance nights and you will be surprised. Here is what you may see...
Bhangra Team from Panjab
In the light of University Bhangra teams in North America. I really was impressed with this University of Florida's team... I know Khalsa Junction is good but this shit is mindblowing....
UF Bhangra Pt 1
UF Bhangra Pt 2
Both of the above examples provide an insight on a good bhangra team from Panjab (there are probably some better out there) to an amazing bhangra team in North America. They both show the importance of coordination.
Me personally I'm a big fan of old skool, slow bhangra moves, but once in a while I dont mind these Uni teams.
That first link is amazing.
Sup bro!
First off I want to say that I found your blog through your Mohd. Saddiq video on youtube. I LOVE the way he gets the crowd going!
Second, I am quite impressed by your blog. Not only do you have some excellent content, you also have a very genuine concern for bhangra and desi music.
And leading up to third, I could not agree more with your comment about bhangra teams trying to fuse hip hop into it. I like how you recognize the fact that some teams have done it well, but go on to say that overall its not a very good idea.
Kudos to the awesome blog you have going, keep it up bro ... I'll be checking back for more.
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